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Family Guy vs. Futurama vs Simpsons
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Author:  rusty [ Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Family Guy vs. Futurama vs Simpsons

This is it! There are several big animated tv shows out there but which of the 3 is your favorite! Each one gives something special and hilarious to it and it's pretty damn hard for me to give my vote to any of the 3 but I'll try to break it down.

Family Guy:
This show is hilarious. It makes simple day things go out of porportion and makes it hilarious. There are several hilarious and memorable characters on this show that makes it hilarious! Who will ever forget about little Stewie, other then Brian does anybody really understand him? Will he get married to a guy? This is one of my top 5 shows of all-time and I'm happy to see it coming back.

I actually hated this show til they started playing it on Teletoon (canadian cartoon network). Everybody has to love Bender and if you don't you chumps and chumpettes can hit the next pimpmobile out of this crack shack. But it was weird that when it played on Fox I really didn't care about it and when I saw the first episode I actually hated the hell out of it. But I was young and naive then.

The titan itself. Will this show ever end! Do you really want it to? Everybody knows about the simpsons. It's pop culture and I doubt that there is anybody in Canada and the USA that has never seen one episode of this show. If they say they haven't, they're a liar. This show has some of the funniest moments ever but has been slipping pretty hardcore for the past 3 seasons. The events are just getting to out of this world (Homer becoming a superhero... Just dumb) but hopefully they will be able to regain the glory days of the show.

Author:  zingy [ Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:29 pm ]
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I'm not a fan of Futurama, but I love Family Guy and The Simpsons. However, if I have to pick one, it would definently be The Simpsons.

Author:  BacktotheFuture [ Tue Oct 12, 2004 5:51 pm ]
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I got to pick The Simpsons since it's my all time favorite show but Family Guy is a very very very close second. Futurama is not on the same level as these two but it is a great show.

Author:  Terminator1997 [ Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:21 pm ]
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the simpsons

Author:  rusty [ Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:26 pm ]
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BacktotheFuture wrote:
I got to pick The Simpsons since it's my all time favorite show but Family Guy is a very very very close second. Futurama is not on the same level as these two but it is a great show.

Futurama just didn't have the time to developpe. It's got some great characters in it but you're right, it's not on the same level as the simpsons or family guy.

Author:  Coasterman2002 [ Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:21 pm ]
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From Least To Greatest

Futurama: Yeah it's ok. Nothing that great about. It's wierd and sometimes makes me laugh. I only watch this show if there is absolutely nothing to watch on Sunday Nights which is RARE. i give this show a C

Family Guy: Wow this show is so funny. Back when it was on FOX i thought it was an ok show because i dindt get a quarter of what they were saying so i stopped watching it. Just this past summer i was over my freinds house and he had all the seasons and we were watching it and man i couldnt stop laughing. Then also, my brother has all the seasons so I started watching and i thought the first season was pretty funny as well as teh second but not the least i think thats what i thought. Very Well Done....A

Simpsons: My favorite show for as long as I can rememeber. Everybody been saying that it all went downhill after the 8th season. I think thats when it started getting good. I guess Simpsons took a different direction after the 8th season and I still liked it. Homer is so funny and says a lot of good liners. The show is creative and fresh. I give it an A+

Author:  BacktotheFuture [ Tue Oct 12, 2004 7:39 pm ]
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The Simpsons best years were from about season 2 to season 9. After that they started having far-fetched adventure were just weren't The Simpsons. Still a great show though.

Author:  bABA [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:24 am ]
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I will take Family Guy over any other anyday.

Having said that, lets see Family Guy last as long as the Simpsons .. that would be the true test.

Author:  Chippy [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 3:36 pm ]
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Family Guy is my pick. It is all around more funny than the Simpsons and it challenges evrything in the real world more. It's so politically incorrect it absolutely GENIUS!

I own all 3 seasons on DVD :) Each season is funnier than the next...

Oh, "backtothefuture" your avatar is THE funniest scene I have ever witnessed in my LIFE! OH MAN I WAS CRYING/LAUGHING SO HARD IT WAS RIDICULOUS!

Author:  lovemerox [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:15 pm ]
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Simpsons by a landslide

Author:  Terminator1997 [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:17 pm ]
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lovemerox wrote:
Simpsons by a landslide

definately. the family guy and futurama aren't even on my radar

Author:  BacktotheFuture [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:53 pm ]
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ChipMunky wrote:
Family Guy is my pick. It is all around more funny than the Simpsons and it challenges evrything in the real world more. It's so politically incorrect it absolutely GENIUS!

I own all 3 seasons on DVD :) Each season is funnier than the next...

Oh, "backtothefuture" your avatar is THE funniest scene I have ever witnessed in my LIFE! OH MAN I WAS CRYING/LAUGHING SO HARD IT WAS RIDICULOUS!

Yay especially when Stewie pulls out the little hair outta his mouth. :lol:

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 8:56 pm ]
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I actually like Simpsons the least, especially lately, but it's still one of my favorites. The problem with Futurama, that most fans never got the chance to do, was that you needed to follow each episode, because there was actually a TON of continuity from one show to the next. If you're looking to just laugh, then there's a few really hilarious episodes. But to enjoy everything that is Futurama, you need to watch it from first episode to last, and all in between.

Family Guy is just Family Guy. Hilarious, quick, innovative, original... the best damn cartoon almost ever. Bugs Bunny still holds a place in my heart.

Author:  Libs [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:50 pm ]
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If you asked me this sometime between 1993 and 1998, I would've said The Simpsons.

Now, I would say Family Guy.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:57 pm ]
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Libs wrote:
If you asked me this sometime between 1993 and 1998, I would've said The Simpsons.

Now, I would say Family Guy.

Same here, Libs. Simpsons is still awesome, but it still lost a lot of steam, especially lately.

Author:  Jason Ng [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 2:44 am ]
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It's definitely a difficult choice, but these are probably amongst my favourite shows. I have high expectations though, I rarely find these shows funny (unless I watch it a second/third/.... time); of course it's the quality of the show that matters anyways.

Family Guy- Generally a pretty good show, although what prevented me from watching it earlier (I've probably only watched it for a year or less), was the baby. He's really, really, annoying; well at least I used to think that. 8)

Futurama- Probably one of the best shows ever to be cancelled, I watched many of the older episodes but still have to catch up on the newer ones. It's interesting how Matt Groening often shows bits of the Simpsons in Futurama and vice versa.

The Simpsons- It's been on for so long that you can tell when it was made just by looking at the cartoons. The oldest ones were kinda crude, the ones that followed were kinda what the Simpsons were supposed to look like, they changed it a little after Season 10 (which is when I started watching the new episodes), and twice more after. Anyways, it's a pretty good show but they keep changing the focus :!: One season it's Homer, the next it's Bart, and who knows who's next?

Author:  matatonio [ Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:25 pm ]
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Its a easy pick for me, The Simpsons!

but i also like Family Guy, its hilarious

Author:  sako [ Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:28 pm ]
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Without The Simpsons there won't be a family guy or futurama

Author:  rusty [ Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:32 pm ]
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sako16 wrote:
Without The Simpsons there won't be a family guy or futurama

Touche mr. sako... Touche.

Author:  Amer [ Sun Oct 17, 2004 7:01 pm ]
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Simpsons by far!!!!! Homer is the greatest!!!!

Author:  Jason Ng [ Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:03 pm ]
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The Simpsons revived primetime animation in a way not possible since the time of the Flintstones/Jetsons. Futurama I guess is kind of the Jetsons equivalent, too bad they had to cancel it. :( The Simpsons may be the original show, but stories can go a lot further with a futuristic setting.

Author:  sako [ Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:08 pm ]
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Jason Ng wrote:
The Simpsons revived primetime animation in a way not possible since the time of the Flintstones/Jetsons. Futurama I guess is kind of the Jetsons equivalent, too bad they had to cancel it. :( The Simpsons may be the original show, but stories can go a lot further with a futuristic setting.

Futurama is on Cartoon network no?

Author:  Dr. Lecter [ Tue Oct 19, 2004 12:19 am ]
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The Simpsons


Author:  Snrub [ Tue Oct 19, 2004 4:27 pm ]
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Tough question...

Family Guy: When it's funny, it's hilarious. But for every laugh, there's a groan. For every Stewie, there's a Meg. It's still one of my favourite television shows, but it can't compare to The Simpsons or Futurama. Still, it will always have:

Stewie: "Oh touché! Hoisted by my own pitard!"

The Simpsons: First three seasons - pooh. Last few seasons - pooh x2. Seasons 4-7 - Second most consistently terrific comedy writing television will probably ever see. Second, of course, after...

Futurama: Ran for 4 seasons and went out on the highest of highs. I have no doubt that Futurama could've gone on for another 2 seasons and probably stayed fresh, but I'm kinda glad that it didn't. What we're left with is possibly the most witty and ingenious animated comedy series ever produced.

So, I guess my choice is Futurama!

Bender: "I'm driving with my ass!"
Fry: "That's the best thing I ever saw!!"

Author:  MovieGeek [ Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Family Guy 100%. So funny but SO WRONG! :lol:

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