World of KJ

What are you watching right now?
Page 14 of 32

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Wed Jan 13, 2021 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Looks like Monarca will be on hold for a while.

I watched Lupin part 1 and for first 5 episodes its great. Acting, directing and story are so good. Its a great mix and very addictive thanks to Omar Sy's great turn.

Also watched Ratched, while it gets the atmosphere right and Sarah Paulson is great here the story in very undecided and it leaves a lot of plot holes to bring shock value in each episode (all of these don't work as well). The cast overall is great but the series needed more menace and focus. From the supporting cast Finn Wittrock and Cynthia Nixon are easily the stand-outs.

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Thu Jan 14, 2021 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Finished Bridgerton... kinda trash and almost everyone is unlikable but an easy watcb still.

Author:  Dil [ Thu Jan 14, 2021 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Small Axe ended up being pretty great and now I'm mad I didn't watch it sooner. Excellent performances from Letita Wright and John Boyega though. I also finally got around to watching A Creepshow Holiday Special and it was definitely one of the better episodes to come out of that show.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Dil Small Axe movies are part of EAC's threads FYI...

I finally finished the last few episodes of Supernatural and there is no other way they could have ended this series without it making sense. Good and apt ending after such a long run.

Also finished the last 5 episodes of Monarca's Season 2 and while the politics is still great in here I found this season less engaging that last with too many ineffective side stories and no expansion of the family dynamics. The last three episodes were great though.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Bridgeton has a great central story and big budget with gorgeous sets, production design and especially costumes. But it also fails to tell a compelling story something that was done WAY better in Poldark. It also tries to be period Gossip Girl but the conspiracies are not spicy enough. I liked the two leads and they share a good chemistry but they were helped a lot by setup and concept here.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Sun Jan 17, 2021 2:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

I have finally gone back to completing Peaky Blinders. The first season is lot of style over substance but I heard that it gets better after first season.

Author:  Dil [ Sun Jan 17, 2021 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Jack Sparrow wrote:
I have finally gone back to completing Peaky Blinders. The first season is lot of style over substance but I heard that it gets better after first season.

It definitely gets better IMO. Seasons 2 and 3 were probably my favorite seasons, but its still a great show overall, especially the few scenes you get with Tom Hardy's character.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Sun Jan 17, 2021 4:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Dil wrote:
Jack Sparrow wrote:
I have finally gone back to completing Peaky Blinders. The first season is lot of style over substance but I heard that it gets better after first season.

It definitely gets better IMO. Seasons 2 and 3 were probably my favorite seasons, but its still a great show overall, especially the few scenes you get with Tom Hardy's character.

Thanks I plan to watch Season 2 tonight.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Peaky Blinders Season 2 got a much better than first, its still has a lot of style but this time the revenge in the end is so much satisfactory. Hardy is easily the stand-out in such a small role and possibly a good villain for future season(s). A lot of things do happen in the finale episode because they "have to" but overall it was a better executed and satisfying end. And hopefully Sam Neil is not back again after being shot again at the end of this season. I love the setup of next season in the final moments as well.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Wed Jan 20, 2021 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Peaky Blinders Season 3 was again up and down because it tries to focus on emotional aspects which aren't the strongest for this series. A LOT of things still happen in the finale to build shock factor instead of progressing organically in each of these 6 episodes. The Russians were a menace but never found them cruel or powerful other than priest's character who is killed off in a satisfactory-but-could-have-been-better way. The ending though was FIRE and immediately hooks you for upcoming season and learn more about the family dynamics after this.

I plan to finish Season 4 tonight.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Thu Jan 21, 2021 12:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

So Season 4 of Peaky Blinders got boring and while the series is still gorgeous to look at and has Adrien Brody's great turn along the trio of leads continuing to be great, it felt that there wasn't enough substance for 6 episodes here. The two big twists were pretty obvious here and the one in the end was very disappointing. Also sad the way Hardy's character departed here he needed a MUCH bigger arc than this. Definitely the weakest season of the series IMO. The opening episode was great though and the alley shootout was the highlight and these are so early in the season that it felt like things burnout way too early this time. The reliance on the finale episode to bring out the shock factor has been the go-to option and brings this series down.

The Ranch Part 6 also went down in quality, with departure of Danny Masterson there is no one that can deliver raunchy one-liners and the dramatic aspects are outright stupid at times. The acting continues to be great throughout and Dex Shephard is a great addition but the makers aren't using his comic talents (yet).

Author:  Dil [ Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

I wasn't a big fan of Season 4 either, especially seeing what ends up happening to Adrien Brody's character. He had a pretty strong intro too and some great scenes with Hardy and Murphy, but his fate was super dissapointing IMO.

Also, if you guys are fans of Spanish horror you should definitely check out 30 Coins since the whole first season is out right now. I really hope that show gets a second season along with Warrior getting a third season on HBO Max.

Author:  Magic Mike [ Sat Jan 23, 2021 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Watching Trinkets on Netflix. Pretty fun show. Too bad it's only 2 seasons. Almost done with the first.

Author:  thompsoncory [ Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

I've somehow over the past month and a half found myself buried in a deep "Gossip Girl" rewatch. I'm about halfway through season 5 now. It's the first time I've rewatched a long-running show like this from scratch in quite some time.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Peaky Blinders Season 5 was the weakest of the series where characters are reduced to one-dimensional traits and nothing about the season was exciting, not even the ending. The ending though sets up Season 6 and hopefully it will bid the series goodbye with a bang.

The Ranch's final season is also struggling to find its footing, Colt and Abby's arc is just not strong enough for this series to continue, all the ranch related struggles feels repetitive and exhausting after 4 seasons without any fun in the series. The actors are all good though specially the senior actors.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Tue Jan 26, 2021 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Forgot to update that I finished Small Axe series and its REALLY good. Glad I caught it thanks to cory and Dil's recommendations. Mangrove is award worthy and it should be nominated for Oscars though I don't think it would. Here is my series listing:
Small Axe - A-
- Mangrove : A
- Lovers Rock: A-
- Red, White and Blue: B+
- Alex Wheatle: B+
- Education: B

The Ranch ended with a whimper and I was hoping for the series to gain some strength back before its finale. The series was never good being emotionally manipulative but it worked well with family dynamics, that's essentially ruined once Danny Masterson and Debra Winger left the series and even though later is back for the finale the dynamic has already shifted after almost 20 episodes. Easily the weakest part of the series.

I am planning to binge Blood of Zeus tonight.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Blood of Zeus was great from start to beginning, good to hear its renewed for Season 2. The mythology is organically fused with action and gore and it gels very well. The voice cast is also great here. I want to watch Castlevenia because of this now.

As for my daily comedy I have started Parks and Recreation. I have completely forgotten that the Season 1 wasn't as great as later seasons. Its still good just that it hasn't found its footing yet.

I plan to binge cory's recommendation "It's a Sin" tonight.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Its a Sin is REALLY GOOD. Possibly the best TV series of 2021, it has the zanny and fun energy that never deflects from hard-hitting and emotional moments. The entire cast is brilliant and the ending heartfelt (even though its pretty obvious from Episode 1).

Parks and Recreation Season 1 was fun to revisit (it was waaay to short) and I am excited for better seasons. Episode 5 where Leslie has a hair do-over and Ann dresses-up for the banquet is such an LOL moment that I have fond memories from this series.

I plan to binge "The Flight Attendant" today.

Author:  Dil [ Thu Jan 28, 2021 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

It's a Sin definitely lived up to the hype and it was pretty easy binge as well. Hopefully, it does get some love at Emmys later this year, because it definitely deserves it.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Thu Jan 28, 2021 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Lupin is pretty good, but its tough to watch shows about Master Thieves after the Rick & Morty heist episode. There is so little in terms of dramatic stakes since you know that any setback to the proganist will end up being part of their master plan. It's a good trait for a villain to have but it makes a hero boring,

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Thu Jan 28, 2021 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

The Flight Attendant is brilliant mystery series and Kayley Cuoco gives an awards worthy performance, hope she gets some recognition for her turn here, I have never seen her better than here (she looks really hot in that golden dress :wub2:)

I also finally ended the last few episodes of Brooklyn Nine Season 7. I hope this series never ends :wub2:

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Fri Jan 29, 2021 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Yeah Flight Attendant lived up to the hype. They sure know how to make a good cliffhanger. Kaley is the new TV MVP.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Sat Jan 30, 2021 3:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Another small yet great series from Netflix in Barbarians, it moves at a quick pace (even though the dynamics between the central trio feels rushed) the overall series has great production values and delivers splendid action set pieces/choreography. The acting wasn't top notch but it does not take away from the overall experience.

I plan to binge Norsemen next and hopefully Season 1 today.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Sun Jan 31, 2021 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Norsemen Season 1 and Season 2 are good with some really hilarious scenes in there. The only problem is that not a lot of jokes land but the ones that do land are a riot. Also because the series too hard to be humorous there is no place for story to move as politics is pretty much sidelined. I plan to finish Season 3 today.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What are you watching right now?

Norsemen went to prequel in Season 3 and I assume it will continue with Season 4. This was the right direction because some of the more memorable characters have been taken out by now. Season 3 was good but it feels more of the same where the story moves at deliberate pace in favor of one-liners that are hit-or-miss.

I have also caught up with the first Season of A Series of Unfortunate Events. Neil Patrick Harris is great in this and the series handles dark humor really well though sometimes it goes too off rail and the visuals don't always connect.

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