World of KJ

My crazy Afghanistan solution
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Author:  Shack [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  My crazy Afghanistan solution

Step 1: Detain and round up ("arrest" if you want to be a dick) every citizen in Afghanistan. Not all in one place, but have numerous centers in the North, South, etc. yada yada. Wipe the country entirely clean of people. Give them good living conditions, this isn't a Holocaust

Step 2: Give everyone an identity and criminal check. I'm under the impression America knows who the Al-Queda and Taliban and criminals are if they find them. Arrest and lay the hammer down on all the criminals. Meanwhile, sweep the entire (now mostly empty) country and round up everyone hiding or refusing to leave, including Osama. Take away all the weapons we gave them when the Russians invaded.

Step 3: Let the cleared and legit citizens back in. Start a democracy and new order. Keep a relative amount of troops to make sure the Taliban don't rise again (like how America still has 70,000 troops in Germany leftover from the Cold War days)

All I know is the current military force tactic is not working. You have to get rid of the Taliban, not try and force them into democracy. If fundamentalists complain about removing them from their homeland, well they can suck it up and go home in a month. And it's not like they'll be leaving Afghanistan, they'll just be moving to a different section of it. It's not any worse than the bombing and killing that's gone on the last 8 years

Am I crazy? Breaking human rights protocol? Let me know :lol:

Author:  nghtvsn [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My crazy Afghanistan solution

Why do we even need to get rid of the Taliban anyway? The only reason we went in there to begin with was because they wouldn't hand over Osama and we've seen how successful that has been. We have a continous war, disputed elections, a puppet in power, exploding opium trade and no captured or dead Osama (though I'm positive he's long gone).

The key to our solution is letting them hammer it out themselves and if they revert to the Taliban pre 2001 then so be it. We're just wasting lives and money on a desert mountainous terribly poor country for nothing. We might as well be trying to solve poverty in Bangladesh.

**If we were in total war mode I find your plan acceptable. We took away all the weapons the Japanese had at the end of the ww2 but we're not in a victory regardless of the costs mode.**

Author:  Tyler [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My crazy Afghanistan solution

Shack, that's not just insane, it's impractical and idiotic. I'd expect better.

You want to REALLY put the hurt on the Taliban? Legalize the poppy and opium trade. Most incentive the farmers will have to side with the Taliban will be effectively destroyed, because the country's only real export aside from body hair and trouble will be a-okay.

Now, a reasonably authoritarian democracy might be a good idea after that. Problem is, I'm not sure if one should ban all parties that even hint at an Islamic republic is a good idea or not. It might just make it stronger, but then, as long as the leader is strongly pro-woman's rights and really props up economics, maybe not.

Author:  Bodrul [ Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My crazy Afghanistan solution

You guys do realise a significant chunk of the talibans cash flow comes from the US via paying off warlords etc for allowing access thru their land and even recently i read soemthing along the lines of Kharzie allegedly paying/giving incentives to warlords to guarentee votes from thier people/area. Rather than this bull about it all coming from drugs. Ill try find the link think it was in the guardian a few weeks ago . .

Author:  Tyler [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My crazy Afghanistan solution

That would make a lot of sense, actually. I'm for putting a Simpsons-style impenetrable dome over the whole country until it joins the civilized world.

Author:  Speevy [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My crazy Afghanistan solution

Let's forget how unpractical this is for a second, and tackle the bigger question. Why in the world would the United States have the authority to round up all citizens of a sovereign nation?

Author:  Gulli [ Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My crazy Afghanistan solution

Speevy wrote:
Let's forget how unpractical this is for a second, and tackle the bigger question. Why in the world would the United States have the authority to round up all citizens of a sovereign nation?

Their stick is larger.

Author:  Chippy [ Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My crazy Afghanistan solution


Author:  MovieDude [ Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: My crazy Afghanistan solution

Trying to play God never works out very well - it's what got us into this mess in the first place!

Author:  Mandeep [ Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My crazy Afghanistan solution

lol you do all those checks and round ups...

So what...

Lol, the militants will be sitting in Pakistan drinking Tea in the markets of Peshawar, lol...

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