World of KJ

The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back
Page 134 of 186

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Oct 26, 2021 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

The state of national politics is going to make some of these "leans D" state and local elections very close, and some are going to flip between now and the midterms. They're likely to lose the House already, and the Senate is a toss-up at best, but if the current state of things continues well into 2022, they're going to suffer major losses and get squat done in 2023 and 2024. (Just imagine the slaughter likely to happen in 2024 if they go a full 4 years with so little done.)

They have all the control yet can't get any of these major issues resolved in a timely manner, if at all. They're even having issues filling job positions, let alone major legislation. The MAJORITY leader (Schumer) had to change his vote from Yes to No on the Voting Rights Bill to make it fail in order to bring it to the floor again at a later date. A 50/50 (VP tie-breaking vote in favor) majority vote to pass it wouldn't be enough. How ridiculous are procedures like that?

Yes, they barely have a majority in the House and only do so in the Senate with a tie. And yes, it sucks that it's mainly two members of the entire 320 member majority party that is causing most of this. But the fact remains they still have all the control and power, the ability, to get things done without the minority Republican support.

You'll lose less support (might even gain some support!) by doing something and getting results than doing nothing and getting no results.

All this also displays how broken the US Congress is. (Also, give the 6 members who represent the US territories a vote. Such a ridiculous thing.)

Post heavily edited since time of posting! Sorry, had company!

Author:  Libs [ Tue Oct 26, 2021 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Needless to say I’m not at all happy the race is so close in Virginia but, because of the things Corpse said here, I’m also not really surprised. The environment is simply more favorable for Youngkin as the opposition party at this point in time, and no one is enthused by Terry McAuliffe again even if I think he was a good governor. It’ll really come down to how much NOVA turns out I think.

I voted over a month ago so I’ve just been waiting at this point. No matter the outcome I’ll be glad to get these incessant obnoxious ads from both candidates off TV.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Wed Oct 27, 2021 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Don’t underestimate Trump fucking up the midterms by telling Republicans not to vote unless they magically make him President again without another election

Author:  Corpse [ Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Looks like the revised plan is going to be $1.75 trillion, cutting back on climate change, eliminating paid family leave, and excluding vision/dental from Medicare. It's pretty much the definition of a lot, but not enough at the same time. It feels like more "wasteful" spending when it's bare minimum or sub-standard in many areas.

Glad to have reached a compromise at last (albeit incredibly bias), but this turned into a lose-lose scenario for the Democrats, so it's still a loss for the Democrats and is likely to cost them heavy with their own party (who you'd normally want to please first...). They simply didn't deliver on their campaign pledges in 2020, and they'll have a hell of a time getting the party (young people, progressives, etc.) motivated ahead of the midterms with this after coming out in record numbers. Running on the "vote for us to get big change done so we can avoid crisis after crisis" isn't going to work when they don't deliver after being granted that power already.

It's pretty embarrassing, too, that the world (all 40+ developed, modernized countries) has figured out how to do the big things that were cut/eliminated again (climate change measures, family leave, health care), yet the U.S. continues to lag behind the global standard. The richest country in the world can't offer free dental or vision care for a poor 80-year-old grandmother? You kidding?

Author:  Steve [ Thu Oct 28, 2021 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Agreed, Corpse. More than embarrassing, it’s infuriating. Corporate media has a big hand in playing to the “political game” being played without doing actual reporting—such as what’s in the bill, how it might impact people’s lives, Manchin and Sinema’s conflicts of interest, the comparison between US and other countries, and also putting the price tag in perspective—for instance, we’ll probably spend $10 TRILLION ON MILITARY IN THE NEXT TEN YEARS!!! All they could pathetically muster to make significant changes in social and climate spending is this? All the actual costs of our for-profit-everything system as wealth accumulates in the 1% is burdened on actual people. Tax the fucking mega billion profits and wealth hoarding richies to fucking do something about the disaster of our society and planet.

Author:  Corpse [ Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

I don't support this (at the moment), but I almost want the progressives in the House to vote it down. It'd be pretty damaging to the White House and Nancy Pelosi (bad way to end her final year(s) in Congress), but there are times when the issues and problems outweigh political favor and where complacency isn't enough. I think this is one of those times. Maybe Sanders, although I doubt it, could have his big moment here and vote No.

Even if it passes as is now, it's still damaging to the White House and Democrats because it's just not what they were voted in to get done. Either way, they've shot themselves in the foot once again despite having full power (even if as narrow as possible, really). Of the past 20 years, the Democrats have only held both chambers for 5 sessions (will be 6 next year), right? And have only held the Presidency at the same time during 3 of those sessions (2009, 2010, 2021). Hoping to get some more done "next time" (again) whenever they get another opportunity just isn't an acceptable strategy, and is just admitting defeat (again). It's "next time" now, so where are the results?

The "something is better than nothing" mentality the party falls back on is unacceptable.

Author:  stuffp [ Thu Oct 28, 2021 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Considering the state of congress it's probably a good idea to decentralized things, and let the states decides for their own budget. If one of them wants to offer free care for an 80 year old, let them, if another one doesn't, let them. There should be less squandering.

Author:  Excel [ Sat Oct 30, 2021 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Biden going to cancel student loans for Christmas on the back of these 2 big bills and go in 2022 in prime position to expand majorities everywhere

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Assuming Murphy wins in NJ today, he'll be the first Democrat Gov. to be re-elected there in over 40 years.

Early turnout reports appear favorable for McAuliffe so far. Or, at least higher turnout typically means good results for the Democrats. But a lot has change in politics over the past few years. I expect McAuliffe to win (52-48 or something), but wouldn't be shocked if Youngkin squeaks out a win.

And why was there a crowd (or is it still there?) of probably a 1,000 strong in Dallas waiting for JFK Jr. (who died 22 years ago...) to make some (Presidential?) announcement?

EDIT: Apparently it's a QAnon belief that JFK Jr. is alive and well and is going to run with Trump or something. :blink:

Author:  Shack [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

PredictIt has been about 50/50 for Virginia the last few days

Author:  Libs [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Overall turnout in here in Virginia appears like it's going to break 3 million (the previous record was 2.6 million in 2017) which one would think favors McAuliffe. We'll see. I feel a lot more optimistic than I did 24 hours ago when I fully expected Youngkin to win, but who knows.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Corpse wrote:
Assuming Murphy wins in NJ today, he'll be the first Democrat Gov. to be re-elected there in over 40 years.

Early turnout reports appear favorable for McAuliffe so far. Or, at least higher turnout typically means good results for the Democrats. But a lot has change in politics over the past few years. I expect McAuliffe to win (52-48 or something), but wouldn't be shocked if Youngkin squeaks out a win.

And why was there a crowd (or is it still there?) of probably a 1,000 strong in Dallas waiting for JFK Jr. (who died 22 years ago...) to make some (Presidential?) announcement?

EDIT: Apparently it's a QAnon belief that JFK Jr. is alive and well and is going to run with Trump or something. :blink:
Normally I'd ruthlessly mock them, and still might before the end of this post, but have recently had a revelation. It doesn't matter if JFK Jr doesn't show up today, or if no evidence is ever found to support Trump's election fraud claims or if chanting Let's Go Brandon is really really dumb. The Power of Belief has taken over politics so thoroughly that it just doesn't matter. These people won't be deterred by the lack of JFK Jr, they'll just say he delayed his return until Trump is president again. Cause again, facts don't matter, if they believe everything is greater when Trump is around then for them it is. One day, these people will write a book about the greatest president who tried to bring heaven to this world, but was cheated by the forces of evil.

And sure you could say the same about the "taxing the rich will solve everything" idea, but at least there is real math involved in that. :funny:

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Libs. Does Virginia count mail on votes first or last in Virginia?

Author:  Libs [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Well, it seems likely that TMac won’t pull this out and Youngkin is going to win. I hate the result but Youngkin ran an effective campaign in terms of “optics” and perceptions. Sucks for me to admit but he did, and TMac’s campaign has been lackluster to say the least. Youngkin really lured back a lot of suburbanite parents with all this stuff about critical race theory and parental involvement in schools. He also did a really effective job distancing himself from Trump, who is still widely hated in Virginia.

I just have no idea what Youngkin will do in office and can’t imagine being on board with much or any of it. I feel like we’re just hitting the brakes hard and are going to lose a lot of the progress that has been made in Virginia since Obama turned it purple in 2008. I guess we’ll see. It’s sobering but it is what it is.

Author:  Libs [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
Libs. Does Virginia count mail on votes first or last in Virginia?

I think it depends on the county. I don’t believe Fairfax County has much early vote factored in yet. I don’t think it’s going to be enough for McAuliffe though.

Author:  zwackerm [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Let's go Youngkin! 11% lead with 2/3 counted likely from mostly in person voting looking good but not certain yet.

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Big win for Youngkin and Republicans in Virginia. They're taking all three statewide races and likely to flip the House of Delegates as well (unless they already have since last I checked on this).

Youngkin made the best of every opportunity given to him, and when outside factors that could hurt him came into play (like Trump wanting to visit...), he maintained his distance from those messes and stayed focused on his own campaign and race. The complete opposite is true for Democrats who are being bogged down by national politics and are still relying too much on "anti-Trump" messaging. Ignore him already. It's not going to work very well, if at all, when Trump isn't in office any longer.

And having control of Congress and being unable to do anything doesn't help anyone given how much attention politics gets these days. There's little/nothing to campaign on. Now there is talk that they *might* reach a deal on the BBB and infrastructure bills that they've been working on and negotiating for months now by... Thanksgiving. They were suppose to have passed back in late September. Can't really blame many Democrats and Independents for being demotivated and frustrated after working so hard in 2020 to get the wins they did and not seeing any results from it.

Democrats have just been awful whenever they're given power. Have been for decades despite the few times they even have the ability to do things with that power. Campaign on popular policies and ideas, most of which are LONG overdue in needing implemented, and get elected. Good job. But then they totally fail to act and implement the majority of those policies and ideas and take two steps back again by demotivating everyone. 2022 was already unfavorable as midterms typically are under normal circumstances and unless they really change course fast, it's going to be devastatingly bad.

Author:  Excel [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

My opinion isn't going to change that the uber libs are truly toxic for the Democratic party. Yes, the media sensationalizes them but regardless, they're toxic. They need to endlessly generalizing everything and painting everything that goes a different direction as some type of discrimination. Enough. Everyone is sick of talking about 24/7. It isn't helping. Everyone is sick of talking about sexism, ageism, etc all the time. It isn't helping. All this absurdity about pronouns? Nobody gives a shit. None of these subjects communicate a message of unity, either. The Dems started these silly culture wars by attacking Mitt Romney for being rich - they need to end this nonsense asap.

You cannot do anything if you don't win elections. You have to win first and foremost. Terrified about what might happen to abortion? Thank Hillary's genius brand builders. Worried that Dems are losing credibility because they won't pass certain things? Don't blame Manchin and Simena for asking what many are thinking - blame the crazies pushing the number to beyond comprehension.

What is essentially socialism is not a winning message - period. 2022 midterms do not have to be bad - but for the 2nd straight year, AOC, Bernie, and the squad cannot be the face of the party. They are every bit as toxic as MAGA. The squad and MAGA are one in the same as far as general reception. What is the national messaging? Stop bragging about "inclusivity". Stop bragging about being "progressive". People want ideas and principles. IMPROVEMENT is a message, and probably a better word than "progress".

At least Biden looks to have some real wins coming in the next few months which will help.

2024, if it isn't Biden, can't be Kamala either unless she dramatically. Bootedgedge or Stacey Abrams only - someone with legitimate political chops.

Author:  Excel [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Enough posturing, JB. It's time to deliver. ... 12379.html

Author:  zwackerm [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

GOP needs to run never trumper types in purple and blue states and they can win clearly.

Author:  Shack [ Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Democrats need to full on denounce CRT, it's total poison

Author:  Shack [ Wed Nov 03, 2021 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

New Jersey being like a 1-2% win or something is probably a worse sign for Democrats since they can't just blame it on McAuliffe sucking and his parents gaffe. It fell basically the same amount from Biden's vote as Virginia did. Then again the one year after the election is perfect for the opposition party revenge election including Republicans winning both Virginia and New Jersey in 2009.

Author:  Excel [ Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

New Jersey has had plenty of Repub governors such as Christie, and VA is an obvious swing state.

Author:  Cynosure [ Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

Democrats really need to hope that republican voters are stupid enough to vote for Trump in the primaries. At this rate he's basically the only republican who could manage a loss in 2024.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Biden era: The Establishment Strikes Back

2020 election was another sign that the country is very pro-Republican and anti-Trump. Trump winning the primary would be handing a big gift to the Democrats. If Trump could put his massive ego aside, he should not run again.

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