World of KJ

superman returns predictons
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Author:  STEVE ROGERS [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:25 am ]
Post subject: 

The Dark Shape wrote:
BKB_The_Man wrote:
Baba, SUPERMAN RETURNS WILL Suck and that's the end of this.. :nonono:

Answer: How BKB will respond when he's lost an argument.

Now how have I lost an argument to this??? Show me 1 thing that's even positive about what we've sen thus far about this movie and I might consider it, but for now, the Casting is a joke and the 4 inch heels on SUPERMAN'S Boots and foam shoulder pads and CGI Muscles are as laughable as it gets..

Author:  Nazgul9 [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:51 am ]
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BKB_The_Man wrote:
CGI Muscles are as laughable as it gets..

Since when has he CGI muscles, did i miss something???

Not to mention you yourself were the one suggesting a CGI altered bulked up body for the actor playing Venom in Spidey 3, the same for the Hulk in Hulk 2 if i recall correctly (if not, i apologize 1000x). :giggle:

Author:  bABA [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:16 am ]
Post subject: 

BKB_The_Man wrote:
The Dark Shape wrote:
BKB_The_Man wrote:
Baba, SUPERMAN RETURNS WILL Suck and that's the end of this.. :nonono:

Answer: How BKB will respond when he's lost an argument.

Now how have I lost an argument to this??? Show me 1 thing that's even positive about what we've sen thus far about this movie and I might consider it, but for now, the Casting is a joke and the 4 inch heels on SUPERMAN'S Boots and foam shoulder pads and CGI Muscles are as laughable as it gets..

as a movie, it has all the potential to suck. i never argued that. but unless the trailers show a really horrible thing, this film is lock for 200.

Author:  El Maskado [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 11:48 am ]
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bABA wrote:

as a movie, it has all the potential to suck. i never argued that. but unless the trailers show a really horrible thing, this film is lock for 200.

That superman plastic muscle suit could be the equivalent of the 900s bat nipples :unsure:
Im not saying about the quality of the movie since Singer seems to do a good job, its the bright colorful clown costume the updated Superman wears that looks rather messy

Author:  Kris K [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:06 pm ]
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I say $70M/$230M

Author:  STEVE ROGERS [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:58 pm ]
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Nazgul9 wrote:
BKB_The_Man wrote:
CGI Muscles are as laughable as it gets..

Since when has he CGI muscles, did i miss something???

Not to mention you yourself were the one suggesting a CGI altered bulked up body for the actor playing Venom in Spidey 3, the same for the Hulk in Hulk 2 if i recall correctly (if not, i apologize 1000x). :giggle:

Awww Come on Nazgul.. How are they supposed to have a live actor playng a character like VENOM other than making him CGI VS SUPERMAN which has obviously been played by an actor before without CGI and done so pretty damn good?? I think were talking abut 2 way different characters all together..

Author:  Captain Muha [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:00 pm ]
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Judging from the low ratings for Smallville and that Lois & Clark being cancelled due to low ratings 10 years ago, what really makes you think that the Superman movie would be so massive. What do you think really would make the Superman movie stand out more than its predessor 20 years ago. I just think its odd that the same people who told us Batman Begins wont be that big is because the movie was already made suddenly say that Superman will do 300 million when the first Superman adjusted barely made 350 million and so far Superman hasnt got that hype yet

L&C was not watched because the shows creators and writers made shitty episodes.

as for smallville, its one of the most watched shows on the WB. you cannot expect the show to have desperate housewives numbers when most of the viewing public doesnt have the WB network on their televisions.

Author:  El Maskado [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:18 pm ]
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Captain Muha wrote:
L&C was not watched because the shows creators and writers made shitty episodes.

as for smallville, its one of the most watched shows on the WB. you cannot expect the show to have desperate housewives numbers when most of the viewing public doesnt have the WB network on their televisions.

Actually at one time, L&C was sundays highest rated tv show and was constantly in the top 20. It went down after Lois married Clark. I dont know about shitty, I do like alot of Bryce Zabel tv shows like Mantis,The Crow, and Dark Skies. Most of those shows were nominated for best writing

Author:  Excel [ Sun Nov 06, 2005 9:29 pm ]
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imax should help this....also the trailers supposably goin to be with harry potter..hows that for awareness?


Author:  MadGez [ Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:46 am ]
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Is there any conformation about the trailer??

Anyway - I see this doing moderate business - depending how it turns out.


Author:  Excel [ Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:59 pm ]
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trailers been confirmed by w.b. for potter. it goes on line thursday at 9 oclock...

Author:  O [ Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:07 am ]
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$76 m/$210 m

Author:  O [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:35 pm ]
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I saw the teaser and completely agree. I didn't have many expecatations before the trailer for it, and it still looks way too boring for me.

Author:  zingy [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:37 pm ]
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The film never had a chance at $300 million total. It might be saying 'goodbye' to $200 million total as well, if that teaser is any indication of what the film is going to be like. At the moment, I'm thinking around $180 million total.

Author:  Harry Warden [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:48 pm ]
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Dull teaser. This won't reach 200 million because I don't see it getting BB's reviews.

Author:  O [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:48 pm ]
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It also has Pirates of the Carribean II in its 2nd weekend, which certainly wouldn't help the Kent cause.

Author:  MovieDude [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:53 pm ]
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Better opening then Batman Begins, lower total. 60/95/190

Author:  bABA [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:02 pm ]
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Magnus101 wrote:
Ok, WB crappy marketing continues. It did well with Charlie and HP4, crappy with BB, and it may has started crappy with Superman Returns.

Seriously, what does WB think, that everyone KNOWS that there is going to be a superman, and htat everyone wants one. NO!!!!!! THEY DONT!!! YOU HAVE TO MAKE THEM WANT IT!! It boggles my mind how WB does good job marketing with Charlie and HP4, then come with comic-books, and it fails.

Now i will explain why trailer was not good. Before i say the negatives, I will point out that the music was very good, and that the first like 45 seconds were really good, then it just goes WAYY south.

The fact is that you barely show any action of Superman. No smashing, no nothing. You don't even introduce Lois Lane really, you can barley see her. NO Lex Luthor. LEARN FROM BATMAN BEGINS!!! MARKET THE VILLIANS BETTER!!! There is no plot in it what so ever, all the auidence is getting is that, "ok theres going to be another superman film in the summer great." And not to mention, the fact is that the whole film is happening after the 2nd one, but the filmmakers are acting as if the 3rd and 4th one didnt happend. Auidnece has NO idea about that from this. Now, i know its the teaser, but if WB is going to want to win the summer with this film, you have to have better marketing. As a teaser, that was very sub-par. BB was better, and that didnt even have the best of marketing.

Sorry guys, if this is the way the marketing is heading, then good-bye 300m total.

ummm what?

learn from begins? dude .. it made 200 mil ... that should have been their goal all along .. sure i predicted more for it but honestly, anything beyond 200 was bonus for the flick.

Superman teater wasn't the most exciting but it makes me very very happy to see the approach WB has taken with both of their iconic characters. While the teaser itself was not all that good, i now wanna see this more than i did before .... and to think i've never been a superman fan.

Author:  Joker's Thug #3 [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:40 pm ]
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Im tired of people bringing up adjusted, please tell me why on earth im lead to belive that a movie like Batman Forever wouldve done 250m today? Anyways you're right about the marketing, it was kinda lame, not that the trailers and spots were bad but that they didnt show much of it, I still think no matter how lame it wouldve been they shouldve had like a music video attached to the movie from some high profile band ( I thought green day was gonna do a song for Begins ) and maybe some ad deals with Burger King or whatever kinda like what Fox did with F4. I also think they did a crappy job with Charlie's marketing though that did above expectations.

Author:  bABA [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:42 pm ]
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dude, the franchise was dead. the purpose of Begins was to reestablish faith, not to make 400 million. Its a set up movie. The last Batman movie did 116 million, after adjustments, 130 million. To jump to 275 was wishful thinking even if it was possible. if WB had set out for any sum over 200 million, they were stupid.

Author:  zingy [ Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:48 pm ]
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Adjusted grosses aren't that good in this case because you're basically saying that everyone single person who paid for a ticket in 1997 for Batman & Robin would have today's ticket prices to see that film now. It doesn't work like that at all.

Batman Begins did just fine. WB spent a little more than they should have on the film, but it's not like the film bombed or is a financial disappointment. It made just what it was supposed to, built a new fanbase and strong WOM, setting up for an even better run for the sequel.

Author:  Excel [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:24 pm ]
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you totally missed the point. this teaser was a lot like harry potter and the sorcerors stone. dull but it gets across-ITS COMING. My bet is we see asuper bowl spot and nothing more till may,then EVERYTHIGN will be unloaded. this film will be getting TONS of press coverage anyway,...but knowing the way singer marketed the xmen movies and how w.b. markets its light family/cgi blockbusters, we wont see much till bout month, then itll be everywhere. the whole point of this teaser was to say HEY!THERES A SUPERMAN MOVIE COMING!" people know that, remember it, then w.b. unloags the other 70million of the u.s. marketing budget during june, and the hype becomes enormous. remeber revenge of the sith? that film had a teaser trailer and poster up until 2 months before rlease, then it had a theatrical trailer and a teaser trailer and poster(that was IT) until may 3rd when all those tv spots hit.....this teaser means very little, is what im saying. and id rather w.b. show us all the goods right before the release then right now. that is also smarter, in terms of building hype for a movie. one of the biggest fuck up ins batmans promos was they showed soooo much so soon...the film had 5 mtnhs to go but we had 3 trailers, a ton of posters..tand you know what? turned out, there were more tv spots/trailer from aug05-march05-then there were 3 weeks before release date. thats why fantastic fours marketing SEEMED so much better...there was nothing until close to release when thery elt it ALL out...thats what w.b. does with the harry potter films. it goes : teaser that lets people know movies coming. nothing for a while. then a spectacular theatrical trailer. then nothing for a bit...then posters, followed closely by a huge swarm of tv spots/tiie in promos. this is also-part fromt he teaser-the exact same strategy KING KONG is using and working well. kong only had a teaser trailer up until 1 month before release, yet within this one month well see a huge kong bombardment to build hype. this is the same strategy episode3 used. harrypotter 1 used. matrix reloaded used. so dont say their marketing sucks cause its worked well before.

basically this teaser was fine. it did the job well and the theatrical will blow us away.

Author:  Outatime [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:28 pm ]
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Author:  Excel [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 4:35 pm ]
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their not kissing 200 million good bye at all...does anybody remember a while back to the reactions when the first harry potter trailer premiered? it was a lot like this one...rather be was clips from scenes we already knew about. we know superman can fly. we know he grew up in smallville. we know his parents found his ship. we know he came from a huge space city. by watching this trailer you can guess what that scene is for the harry potter trailer was the same way. aint nothing wrong with that.

this is a TEASER trailer. its about as good as a sign hanging above earth saying NEW SUPERMAN MOVIES COMING. Then at the super bowl hype will be big due to special effects trailer. then hype grow due to trailer with v for vendetta...then hype huge after w.b. pulls incredible theatrical trailer ala goblet of fire/matrix reloaded/potter 1 then everythign is unloaded.

basicaly, what will people remember better-a huge barage of exciting tv spots a week before release, or a super exciting teaser 7 months before the film comes out?

you tell me.

as for it being boring, this is how the film will be-WWWWHAT?!? please explain who you could spend 250 MILLION+ on a PRODUCTION and have the film come out BORING?!? WHAT? does.not.make.sense.

Author:  Shack [ Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:25 pm ]
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I don't think the trailer pointed to too many good things. Very unexciting I believe.

I'll say 65/169 for now.

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