World of KJ

KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers (Complete! Stats Added)
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Author:  Corpse [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

52. Broken - Seether, Amy Lee

ONLY the featuring Amy Lee version heard above though. The original is alright, but Amy just took the song to another level. Pretty simple song, feeling broken when a loved one isn't around song, but I didn't latch onto for that reason for the most part. Rather, the lyrics "I want to hold you high, and steal my pain away" and "I don’t feel like I am strong enough" resonated with me since I knew a couple friends who were going through a lot, be it abusive parents, broken or failed relationships, target of bullying, etc., and I always struggled trying to support them in stealing/easing some of their pain with what I considered insufficient help many times. If I hadn't figured things out yet, and struggled too, how could I be their support? Of course, just lending a troubled or abused friend an ear is often good enough (and there's always someone who is worse off than you), but when you're young, you don't always think that way, and often feel inadequate.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Lolll at the old raw song being here. I cant remember the lyrics but definitely have that riff in my head all the time.

Headstrong was like the early 00s rock version of Blinding Lights. That shit stuck around on the radio forever. I went through a full cycle of liking it, hating it and then back to liking it.

Author:  Shack [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Forgot that Seether feat Amy Lee song existed

Headstrong and basically all POD songs definitely fit the profile of songs a future metal fan liked when they were a teenager

Author:  Corpse [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

P.O.D. remained active (still are!) a lot longer than I would have predicted. I didn't listen to them much after self-titled album in 2003, but still nice to know they're around. I'm curious if their sound has changed at all. I don't really have anything to back this up, but I'm expecting, if I decide to check them out again, that more recent albums are probably more obvious Christian rock than their nu-metal sound of the late-90s/early-00s.

Nothing against Christian rock, but it can definitely sound very samey and a little generic.

Author:  Corpse [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

51. Poem - Taproot

Similar to Wonderwall (in use and personal meaning, not sound), but released at the start of High School, I often listened to this song as if the singer was me and I was singing to another me in order to help keep positive, motivated, etc. In this particular case, it was an older adult me singing to the younger me at the time.

"This song is a poem to myself it helps me to live" was very impactful, but even more so was the line from the second verse, "I hope you'll be okay someday so I can say that you moved on in the right way". That really struck me at the time, and I'm so glad it did because I haven't listened to this song in years, like...almost 15 years, honestly. And I can say that I most certainly did move on in the right way, so younger me was indeed okay.

Author:  Corpse [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

50. I Want You - Savage Garden

I made a mistake. I just re-watched the video and thought, "is this really 1998?" And yeah, no. This song was released in 1996 (almost a full year before the album, which I guess confused me) and should have been on the pre-list over the weekend. So my bad. But it's the ONLY song on the list not released between 1998-2005 at least (I rechecked all of them just now.)

Back to the song... Very catchy and sort-of floaty? Sounds like it's off floating around somewhere high, just out of reach. Maybe because he's singing most of it in head-like voice, not far from a whisper. The sexual innuendos are strong with this one. Not a single lyric was spared, even down to all the "Oohs." And then sexually frustrated young Corpse was able to decipher all of them. So this song helped to... release some of that early frustration.

Author:  Corpse [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

49. Girl's Not Grey - AFI

Last song today. There will be a couple (or a few) songs on this list with lyrics that I really don't know what they meant, exactly, still don't, and simply just enjoyed them. This is the first one. (I think it's about drowning/being buried, but maybe not.)

This was a very relaxing song for me, very chill-like, and a song I could listen to shortly before going to bed some nights to calm myself (maybe because of the "I'll lay me down tonight / swim in the calm tonight" lines) and forget about some doubts, insecurities, etc., that came from the day, and to not have to worry as much about about the return of them that would probably come back tomorrow. I've mentioned bullying a few times already, and it was about daily in 9th/10th grade, but it thankfully peaked then. (Grew more confident, more punch and I'll punch back, better at navigation, and a little more popular/more friends, etc.)

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Girl's Not Grey was the first AFI song I ever heard. I liked that album the most when I was younger but prefer their earlier stuff now. Doesn't stop GNG (and Leaving Song) from being jams though!

Author:  Shack [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Yea AFI is good, Silver and Cold is one of my favorite songs ever

Author:  Corpse [ Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

A little surprised you both like AFI. They always seemed to be love or hate with people, and then there was the whole mess of them "selling out" in the early 00s. I recall it being a big deal at the time, having received more attention than many bands that go through that. I only listened to their previous album, The Art of Drowning, before the Sing the Sorrow "sold out" album was released. I was largely unaware they had a pretty big (or maybe just loud) diehard fanbase from the mid-90s that seeming turned on them completely.

Whatever the case, I enjoyed Sing the Sorrow, and Decemberunderground and Crash Love that followed. Haven't listened to their two most recent albums though.

Author:  Shack [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

I don't know much about their 90s stuff either.

Author:  stuffp [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Rock and metal are not my kind of thing, so not really into the list.

BUT I Want You is GREAT.

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Of the remaining 48 songs, including #48 below, I'd say 34 fit firmly in rock/metal. So you may see something you enjoy among the other dozen-ish or so. :thumbsup:

48. Disposable Teens - Marilyn Manson

Marilyn is back, but on the main list now. In short, a song to enjoy when angry and wanting to release some of that, but there were a lot of things happening here that I took to heart. The song is pretty simple, but full of meaning. From not using fear/hate of others (for whatever reason) to dictate how you treat them, because that can give them a reason for you to fear/hate them. To calling out awful parents/adults for ignoring children/teens, and when they act out, the blame is placed on someone else (like Manson after Columbine). And just because "people of God" give God a horrid name, doesn't mean that God is horrid. So written and composed as an angry song, but like many Manson songs, there's something more to it, this one basically saying: BE KIND TO OTHERS MOTHERFUCKERS!

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

47. Hypnotize - System of a Down

I was just sitting in my house, waiting for the SOAD song(s) I wanted to include here to play. I generally enjoy every SOAD album, and even all their songs, but I had problems picking a couple out as my favorites. They're all like strong B to A- sort of material for me.

But I finally decided on Hypnotize here, the main reason being the strong sense of nostalgia every time it comes on. It just sounds super-nostalgic to me, like it's, well, I guess hypnotizing me. A lot of SOAD songs are pretty straight forward I think on the surface, but many require some critical thinking to discover what they're about, and this is a big one that falls in that category. I knew this song had to be more than just him "waiting in his car, waiting for his girl". I determined over time that it was about how he was probably waiting in that car, waiting on his girl, but she probably never came. She was hypnotized by others into a state of content, or complacency, likely at little/no fault of her own. However, a car and girl could be metaphors. Freedom is a common theme with SOAD, so I like to think that car is here to represent a new direction or change (an act of movement), and the girl represents the freedom required to take it.

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

46. Feeling This - Blink-182

I've always enjoyed Blink-182. I can't think of a song that I didn't at least like, but this one always stood out above the rest to me. (Just had to mentally change the she's/her's around.) I don't know its chart performance off hand, but I feel it's probably among their least successful singles.

The song flows really, really well, and the entire "look to the past and remember her smile / and maybe tonight I can breathe for a while / I'm not in the seat / I think I'm fallin' asleep / but then all that it means is / I'll always be dreaming of you" part flows particularly well. The overlapping vocals, especially in the final 30 seconds or so of the song, was done very well too. Very well constructed song. (Also helped that the dude they got to undress behind the glass is among the hottest guys to star in a music video back then.)

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Never change gender pronouns during karoake! Its always lame when people go "I'm singing a girls song but don't worry bros, I aint one of them queers." I guess it'd be the opposite in this case, but I doubt the other gays would judge you for it! :P

Unpopular opinion, but the Feeling This album is actually my fav from Blink. Sure, Enema of the State is more fun to listen to with its bombardment of smash hits like Whats My age Again, All the Small Things and Adams Song. But I dunno, I liked Blink trying to be The cure so much. Feeling This, I Miss You, Down, Always, of course Robert Smith song, etc... Stuff I'd not expect Blink to do... Too bad this broke the band up. It's like their Let It Be. :hahaha:

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Oh no, I'm not one of those guys. :funny: Just requires a mental switch when connecting to the song is all, which leads us fittingly to the next song!

46. A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me - Fall Out Boy

The "I've been meticulous, holding secrets, patently biding my time, but I got one year left of High School, so it's "now or never" song". It was too risky/dangerous to attempt anything with any guys, and after ~6 years of being careful, young Corpse turned his prior approach upside down Senior year. Couldn't get into relationship, and the one big attempt at this was frustrating (mostly due to the guy being confusing...), but did manage to get some action with a couple other guys at last.

Many of the lyrics in the song really hit me with this situation: "a long shot, don't even take this bet" (too risky, questioning if I should finally take the bet), and "I don't blame you for being you but you can't blame me for hating it" (just a general "I understand, you're straight, but that sucks!" feeling). But overall, the risks were worth it that year.

The video is very cool, too, one of my favorites from the mid-00s, and it features a young (and very sexy) vampire Brendon Urie!

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

45. Demonoid Phenomenon - Rob Zombie

Love Rob Zombie, especially the Hellbilly Deluxe album. And Demonoid Phenomenon was the best track to put on for a quick headbanging session. That's it, really. About 4 minutes of non-stop, hands-on-knees, windmill-style headbanging.

Just posted the audio here because the video (taken from some of his shows) is oddly low-quality.

I have never seen him live, so I'm very jealous, Flava'd.

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

44. Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold

"YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Just a super catchy and fun song to headbang to, sing along to as well, and shout with at the beginning. Shadows's emphasis on the long vowels here is excellent. The guitar solo midway through is great. And the drummer is living his best life on this track, too. I think it's based on a book or movie, but I never looked it up. In general, I've enjoyed most of Avenged Sevenfold's music over the years, but nothing has ever quite topped this one for me. (Also had a slight crush on Shadows in this era. He was winning the arms race, if you will.)

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

43. Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit

Okay... Limp Bizkit. And this song. I was tempted to leave it off, but that wouldn't be right since I enjoyed and listened to it very often. In hindsight, it's a pretty problematic song (which can be said of Limp Bizkit in general). An angry song reflecting how you feel about something is fine, of course, but this one really pushes it a bit too far with the outright call to violence as a means of expression. Little/no interpretation here. I know, it's a song. Most people aren't going to beat someone because of it. But... some people are stupid, and "break stuff" is the only way many know how to express themselves, which can be dangerous, especially when directed towards another individual (especially women during this time period). So it's sort of too glorifying in this way for me to really like it anymore.

THAT SAID, this wasn't going to be a list of "but now...", and it'll be the only song I explain why I don't care for it anymore. But it was one of my favorite headbangers back then, so it ranked pretty well.

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

42. One Step Closer - Linkin Park

Perfect follow-up to the last song. Pretty similar, "close to edge, going to break" song, but THIS song handled it so much better. More of a "listen to me" or "warning" versus "going to break your face!" response.

Calm it down. Lower your voice. Listen. Just listen. Maybe the hardest "cry for someone to listen to you song". The best thing to do with someone who's angry, upset or sad, is to just listen to them. Let them get it out. Everyone wants someone to listen to them. Unfortunately, there aren't many listeners in the world, and responding similarly is far too common. This song didn't relate to me too often, I was generally level-headed and/or just kept my thoughts to myself and released that anger in other ways, but when it did, it really did.

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

41. Move Along - The-All American Rejects

Anti-suicide songs are relatively common (or just "don't give up" tunes), at least they were back then (don't listen to many modern artists...), but few were as catchy or as energetic as this one. And that's why it's here! Many anti-suicide songs sound pretty sad, which is fine, but having a few more catchy and upbeat alternatives with basic lyrics like this one could more accessible kids (and adults too) who would probably benefit better from hearing them, especially if things are on the "easier" end of that spectrum at the time. And Ritter's vocals are strong here, the emotions easily felt.

Last song today. Top 40 tomorrow.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Bat Country is a good song but I associate every other A7F song with the kids I didn't like in high school.

Move Along is a winner in any decade though! Was bummed when AAF cancelled their Riotfest appearance but hopefully they'll make it up this year.

Bizkit is kind of embarassing to like now but I think that has alot to do with Durst himself. The music fits the era well. Nookie got me into hard rock.

Author:  Shack [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

I basically had the same relationship to Avenged Sevenfold (the kids that were not my crowd so to speak were always talking about them) although in retrospect they seem like a solid metal band.

I'm pro Bizkit

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: KoЯpse's Top 55 Teenage Headbangers

Oh no... not Nookie, Flava'd! I guess it's okay if it helped get you into heavier music though. :P Sucks the jerks in your HS liked Avenged Sevenfold! Although, I guess it sort of depends the clique(s) one hung out with too, since one clique is often ruder or straight-out jerks to others outside their clique(s).

I hung out more with the emo, stoner, and band kids, who I found, personally, to be the nicest kids. And while I never went out of my way to be a jerk, there were still instances of some of them being overtly mean to others. The worst clique(s) to me were definitely the popular girls and jocks and such. And the occasional very mean redneck (lots at my school). Rednecks in generally weren't too bad, mostly gross and mostly kept to themselves, but there'd be that one every so often that was especially nasty (they tended to dropout too).

What's your favorite Limp Bizkit song, and/or song you first heard/enjoyed by them, Shack?

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