World of KJ

Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations
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Author:  Shack [ Wed Oct 16, 2019 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Renner has been outed as dirt (He is holding his ex wife's passport and belongings hostage so she can't go on vacation with their kid, and apparently has done things like put a gun in his mouth and threatened to kill both of them and then shot it into the ceiling). lol @ Endgame killing Black Widow instead of Hawkeye. I guess it's cause that man had a family.

I never bought the Goldblum love. He has given me a narcissism vibe for a while.

Author:  Mau [ Tue Oct 22, 2019 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Renner is gay as fuck. His roommate is his longtime boyfriend. No way in hell that shit is true

Author:  Chippy [ Tue Oct 22, 2019 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

No way in hell he threatened to... kill himself?

Author:  Mau [ Wed Oct 23, 2019 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Gay as fuck. Go to any gossip site. Lol

Author:  Chippy [ Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

You're not answering the question though. You think he didn't threaten to kill himself?

Author:  Mau [ Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

He may have threatened to kill himself if she outed him. That's what I think

Author:  Excel [ Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations ... -tape.html

Amber Heard made it all up and Depp is basically innocent. Wow

Author:  Shack [ Sun Feb 02, 2020 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

What a vile bitch!

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Sun Feb 02, 2020 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Yeah brings back initial concerns of some women coming forward to ruin careers. There should be action against such women as well though mostly they don't have a big career at that point

Author:  Shack [ Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

At least Depp is suing her for all she has, he is claiming he lost a Pirates paycheque due to this

Author:  Chippy [ Mon Feb 03, 2020 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

I'll believe the DAILY MAIL when I'm dead. Good lord. Depp has less evidence against her than she had against him.

Author:  Shack [ Mon Feb 03, 2020 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Chippy wrote:
I'll believe the DAILY MAIL when I'm dead. Good lord. Depp has less evidence against her than she had against him.

Yea except he has receipts in the leaked audio clips where she admits to hitting him and throwing pots, pan and vases at him, and the whole convos seems to be built around her getting mad at him for running away and not trying to mend the relationship, and him claiming that he did cause it cause she was getting physical with him. You would think that if Depp was hitting her back it would play entirely differently. She is mad at him for not staying and fighting with her, not mad at him for fighting back. And even if he did end up hitting her back, a relationship where both sides were physically abusing each other is not the allegations she sold to the press and either way it makes her a hypocrite for spending years acting like a domestic violence advocate. Amber also had a domestic violence incident with a previous girlfriend.

Author:  Rev [ Mon Feb 03, 2020 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations


Author:  Chippy [ Mon Feb 03, 2020 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Shack wrote:
Chippy wrote:
I'll believe the DAILY MAIL when I'm dead. Good lord. Depp has less evidence against her than she had against him.

Yea except he has receipts in the leaked audio clips where she admits to hitting him and throwing pots, pan and vases at him, and the whole convos seems to be built around her getting mad at him for running away and not trying to mend the relationship, and him claiming that he did cause it cause she was getting physical with him. You would think that if Depp was hitting her back it would play entirely differently. She is mad at him for not staying and fighting with her, not mad at him for fighting back. And even if he did end up hitting her back, a relationship where both sides were physically abusing each other is not the allegations she sold to the press and either way it makes her a hypocrite for spending years acting like a domestic violence advocate. Amber also had a domestic violence incident with a previous girlfriend.

One conversation. And what is "hitting" in this scenario?

Also, please read up more information on the previous girlfriend. It's nothing like what it's portrayed as.

Author:  Shack [ Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Chippy wrote:
Shack wrote:
Chippy wrote:
I'll believe the DAILY MAIL when I'm dead. Good lord. Depp has less evidence against her than she had against him.

Yea except he has receipts in the leaked audio clips where she admits to hitting him and throwing pots, pan and vases at him, and the whole convos seems to be built around her getting mad at him for running away and not trying to mend the relationship, and him claiming that he did cause it cause she was getting physical with him. You would think that if Depp was hitting her back it would play entirely differently. She is mad at him for not staying and fighting with her, not mad at him for fighting back. And even if he did end up hitting her back, a relationship where both sides were physically abusing each other is not the allegations she sold to the press and either way it makes her a hypocrite for spending years acting like a domestic violence advocate. Amber also had a domestic violence incident with a previous girlfriend.

One conversation. And what is "hitting" in this scenario?

Also, please read up more information on the previous girlfriend. It's nothing like what it's portrayed as.

She admitted to hitting him with a closed fist and throwing pots, pans and vases at him.

The picture is pretty clear. Heard physically attacks him and then gets mad when he runs away. She is defending herself by saying that physically attacking him is part of the ups and downs of the relationship, and is basically blaming his inability to take it as a bigger reason for their relationship failing. She's mad at him for not knocking on her door later in the night after she attacked him.

The BEST case scenario for Heard’s side is that somehow after this convo, Depp did a 180 in terms of his interest in fighting and started hitting her back for real. But that would still make her initial allegations painting it as a one sided abusive relationship a lie. In all likelihood the relationship is exactly what it sounds like on the tape, and Heard is the real abuser who told the opposite story to the press

Author:  Chippy [ Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Not even going to keep arguing about it. It's entirely a he said she said. You've clearly chosen your side, as have many other Johnny Depp stans. Even when the first allegation against him came out they've been on a warpath to defend him. It's not worth my time. Let the court decide.

Author:  Shack [ Mon Feb 03, 2020 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Chippy wrote:
Not even going to keep arguing about it. It's entirely a he said she said. You've clearly chosen your side, as have many other Johnny Depp stans. Even when the first allegation against him came out they've been on a warpath to defend him. It's not worth my time. Let the court decide.

Not really. it appears Depp has far more evidence. Not only the audio tapes like the above, but it sounds like he's using like 90 security tapes and 20 witnesses in his case. She has one bruise which could have been faked. The police didn't find any evidence of physical abuse on her.

If there was tape of Depp and Heard arguing and Depp blaming her for running away all the time he starts physically attacking her and not consoling her at the end of the night, and admitting to throwing pots and pans at her and hitting her, you wouldn't be making this argument. Does this sound like a relationship where Depp is the physical abuser?

Author:  Chippy [ Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Well then, again, the court will decide if all that "evidence" is legit. If it's so overwhelming, why is it taking so long? Depp is a huge star. You'd think it would be a slam dunk with all that "evidence"!

Author:  Chippy [ Mon Feb 03, 2020 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Also, to your last point... No shit. Because it is far more likely that the man is the abuser. To think otherwise is insane.

Author:  Excel [ Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Of course the big MeToo supporters don't want to hear one of the woman was lying. It isn't like this negates any of the things that happened to the other women.

She admits it on tape. If it was Depp saying those things to her, you would be saying the case was closed. It is what it is. Nobody is saying Depp was perfect but Ms. Heard is clearly far from an innocent victim here, by her own words

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

I agree before this it looked like Depp was another #MeToo offender but the audio clearly suggests it wasn't just a one way traffic that Heard portrayed.

Author:  Chippy [ Tue Feb 04, 2020 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Case closed then! One audio clip does it! Arrest her.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

I just said its not a one-way traffic. How much of an offense is on which party will be decided by court. But before this the media and Heard made it look like Depp was the sole culprit in that marriage most of which was hearsay as well (at the very least it caught fire that way).

Author:  Chippy [ Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Well... yeah? Why wouldn't she do that if she felt that way? It's the same thing Depp is doing now.

Author:  zwackerm [ Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations


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