World of KJ

Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)
Page 183 of 236

Author:  Mau [ Tue Apr 14, 2020 7:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

So apparently Linda led the super pac to donate $18mil on florida ONE DAY before WWE was allowed to film live? lol

This looks so shady.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Tue Apr 14, 2020 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Mister Ecks wrote:
Ronda Rousey getting in trouble again for calling wrestling fake. If she's serious, she's as delusional as ever. But if it's all a work for an impending return... it's still a bad way to bring her back.

If she's serious, I don't know where she's getting this revisionist history, but fans were actually super into her and impressed with her skill level as a babyface. She actually worked every week, unlike some former UFCers.
They mentioned it on Raw so has to be setting something up. Long-term prediction: Becky v Ronda headlines Mania 37 night 1 with Taker and Sting (in a clocktower match or something) taking night 2.

Author:  Shack [ Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I was half tipped off about Goldberg-Reigns happening (but thought *maybe* it could be a non title match), but lol at the bigger picture of Wrestlemania being built around Goldberg, Undertaker, Cena, Orton, Edge, and Lesnar. I honestly don't think it's any worse for the Fiend's future to lose to Goldberg though, I mean it was this or losing to Reigns a month later, either way he loses to a spear and loses the undefeated mystique. But why didn't they just do Goldberg v Cena at Wrestlemania (non title)? Seems like it would have been a big one. I also think Bray is one of Reigns all time greatest enemies so it would have been nice to see them have that Wrestlemania match.

Author:  Shack [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Shayna's first match on Raw was AWFUL... Riddick Moss looked less raw than her. Good thing she has youth on her side.

Crazy how this is the same Orton that can go years being so mediocre. I think at Wrestlemania 2 years ago his match was a fatal four way US title match with Bobby Roode and two other guys I forgot... and he wasn't even an interesting US champ and they got it off him quickly.

Mister Ecks wrote:
No two guys have been given more of the spotlight and have squandered it so horribly than Seth and Roman. It's so strange. Both are talented, but something is way off for both of them. Seth is now proving me wrong about turning Roman heel. I don't think it would help. And the sad part is I have no idea how they fix Seth.

Mau wrote:
Neither Seth or Roman (or Dean Ambrose really) are the next big thing and that's sad af Because both are talented as fuck, but they don't really have the it factor.

Yes they have great wrestling skills, good promos, great looks but they just don't shine and wwe has done everything they can to make them their biggest stars. And some of it has backfired like Reigns beating Taker at WM.

They HAD a perfect opportunity to make Reigns the next big thing when h came back from leukemia. Like the story wrote itself but even that didn't work and once that failed I knew nothing they did was ever gonna .and Reigns huge. Rollins has had pretty much the spotlight on him for over a year and has failed as a face as a tweener and as a heel. They really aren't that charismatic.

If you want charisma look at Becky, Asuka, Angel Garza. Those three should be their gold standard. While Becky has turned into a parody of herself, she still shines. Angel Garza had more charisma in his smile than Roman and Seth.

And Asuka? She really is that bitch, she makes us invested in everything she does despite speaking 80% Japanese 20% English. And that's something you just can't teach.

Reigns has actually been their #1 star though whether people like it or not. He is the only guy that makes feuds feel important consistently when there's no title whether it's guys like Braun, Joe, Corbin, etc. He spent a whole year feuding McIntyre, Shane, Elias, Rowan and Corbin which is as dogshit as it gets (I mean Rowan???), and he didn't get buried which I think is more than other people can say. Meanwhile there is nobody they're more scared of not being in the title picture than Rollins. He has basically been in either universal, IC or tag title picture almost 100% of the time for years now. There's a reason he randomly has as many tag titles as the Usos and the New Day because every time he's fading they get scared and put either tag or midcard title on him to feel important. He is a great in the ring wrestler but I honestly think he has less natural talent than Kofi and Ziggler, more than Balor, but they're all in the same group of wrestlers that can steal the show on any given night. He should probably just be their main IC title picture guy.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Bleak day at WWE. They have thus far released Kurt Angle, Drake Maverick, Curt Hawkins, Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Heath Slater, Eric Young, Sarah Logan, Mike Chioda, EC3, Aiden English and Lio Rush.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Mister Ecks wrote:
Bleak day at WWE. They have thus far released Kurt Angle, Drake Maverick, Curt Hawkins, Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Heath Slater, Eric Young, Sarah Logan, Mike Chioda, EC3, Aiden English and Lio Rush.

Add Erick Rowan, Epico and Primo to the list. As well as a bunch of producers: Billy Kidman, Shane Helms (The Hurricane), Dave Finlay, Scott Armstrong, Mike Rotunda (I.R.S., aka Bray Wyatt's father), Lance Storm, Pat Buck, Shawn Daivari and Sarah Stock (Sarita in TNA Wrestling).

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Add No Way Jose, Mike Kanellis, Maria Kanellis and Zack Ryder

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Tough day. Atleast Kairi, Peyton and Ruby turned to be fake news.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Rusev! :tears:

Sonya Deville tweeted that she is gone too.

Author:  Shack [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Oh my god they fired Rusev... you bastards!

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Flava'd vs The World wrote:
Rusev! :tears:

Sonya Deville tweeted that she is gone too.

Don't think she is. Can't get confirmation on it.

A lot of talented people let go today. And I don't think it's fair to say any talent should go to AEW. That's a tough burden to put on a growing company to think anyone deserves a shot there over anyone else. At what point do you just look like you're hiring WWE rejects?

Not to mention they supposedly have weeks, perhaps months, of TV pre-taped.

Author:  Corpse [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Trump has put "the great" Vince McMahon on the council that'll determine when to reopen the economy, so all is good. WWE only has a reported $500 million in cash on hand, too, so they definitely can't afford to have any of the talent they released this week for not a day longer. It'd cripple the company.

And Linda, who's running a Super PAC for Trump, is dumping $18.5 million into Florida for his reelection this week. WWE being declared an essential business by Gov. DeSantis and Vince getting named to the economic reopening task force all in the same week is just mere coincidence though. Nothing to see here.

......... :er:

Author:  Corpse [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Wed Apr 15, 2020 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Betrayed his own guys and then joined up with a heel stable?

Should we call him Hollywood McMahon now?

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Vince McMahon is getting some negative buzz right now, but is anyone surprised by any lowlife tactics this businessman would stoop to for the almighty dollar? There are two groups of people he could not care less about: the fans, and the only other group that ranks lower than fans for Vince, his employees. If he could make the live event money he's missing out on and also not have fans in attendance for the shows, he would be the happiest person in the world.

I've sung the praises of Vince, even recently, but it's more and more apparent how little he knows or cares about wrestling. Look at the horrible decisions he makes just on RAW and Smackdown. When you consider some of the dumbest ideas concocted, you know he's the one that creates them or at least OKs them. Roman getting covered in dog food. Roman spouting Looney Tunes quotes a few years ago when he turned face. Anything Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley talked about on the Jericho podcast. They're all ideas that would have made him money 30 years ago, so when it comes time for the old man to conjure up ideas for 2020 wrestling, he hasn't evolved or grown with today's wrestling, he just goes back to what made him money decades ago and assumes that'll work today. No one can prove me wrong on this. I don't have to work for WWE or Vince to know this is true. I've been a fan for almost 30 years now, more than any other thing in my life. I know when I see something fresh and new and I know when I see something I would have rolled my eyes at in the early 90s.

The McMahons dumping money into Florida and getting deemed an essential business is par for the course for a businessman like Vince. If he had any care for fans or his employees, he wouldn't be running live shows twice a week right now. But that would mean losing money and that's not an option for Vincent Kennedy McMahon.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

RIP Fink :(

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Flava'd vs The World wrote:
RIP Fink :(

More than any other commentator, Fink was the voice of wrestling. And when they took him off full-time duty, it felt special when he would come back. Sounds like he really loved wrestling and WWE.

Author:  Shack [ Fri Apr 17, 2020 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Elimination Chamber was decent I guess, I mean the card was weak on paper cause both winners of the chambers matches were really obvious (They should've just saved Shayna biting Becky for the Raw after her win). The tag match was definitely more fun than Shayna beating everyone though and stalling half the match. Bryan v Gulak stole the show otherwise.

Can they not find anything more exciting to end the Raw 1 month before WM than 35 minutes combined of Rollins/Black non match + 8 man tag. Was Rollins beating up Owens for the 50th time supposed to be a moment. The endless Rollins/Murphy/AOP 8 man tag matches in Raw main events are nearing Big Show and Kane tag level for me. Speaking of Owens it's so weird that Zayn has a better character/promo than him now, they nailed the character for his look as the commie who hasn't showered in weeks type of guy... I like putting the IC title on him to see if he can make a comeback in the ring.

Author:  Shack [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

No crowd Raw/SD is solid so far other than half of it being PPV reruns. The matches don’t feel too different once they get into it and the promos while having a different feel have been pretty good (Cena/Wyatt, Edge, Becky) and some funny moments like Austin/Byron. HHH on commentary the first episode was amazing. It’s hard to believe they could pull off a big event feel of Wrestlemania but won’t judge it until I see it.

Author:  Mau [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Fire N Desire are the best storyline in all of wrestling right now.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I never quite got the appeal of Mandy Rose before the Otis storyline. But man... she is something.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Shack wrote:
Elimination Chamber was decent I guess, I mean the card was weak on paper cause both winners of the chambers matches were really obvious (They should've just saved Shayna biting Becky for the Raw after her win). The tag match was definitely more fun than Shayna beating everyone though and stalling half the match. Bryan v Gulak stole the show otherwise.

Can they not find anything more exciting to end the Raw 1 month before WM than 35 minutes combined of Rollins/Black non match + 8 man tag. Was Rollins beating up Owens for the 50th time supposed to be a moment. The endless Rollins/Murphy/AOP 8 man tag matches in Raw main events are nearing Big Show and Kane tag level for me. Speaking of Owens it's so weird that Zayn has a better character/promo than him now, they nailed the character for his look as the commie who hasn't showered in weeks type of guy... I like putting the IC title on him to see if he can make a comeback in the ring.

It seems like ages ago since all this happened but it's all within two months. It's crazy to think they pushed Shayna so hard going into Wrestlemania, only to have Becky retain. And now they're doing the same thing again with Money in the Bank, although she probably won't win.

Owens and Rollins really didn't work for me, despite a decent Mania match. Was just the RAW version of the endless Roman/Baron storyline, which is now the Elias/Baron storyline.

Author:  Mau [ Sat Apr 18, 2020 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Mister Ecks wrote:
I never quite got the appeal of Mandy Rose before the Otis storyline. But man... she is something.

She's the best looking woman they've ever had.

Author:  Shack [ Mon Apr 20, 2020 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Man AJ really killed it in his build with the Undertaker, even his facial expression as Undertaker was walking up the ramp after the contract signing bit told a thousand words. Best use of disrespecting someone's family I can remember, which usually is a boring tactic.

I'm not that upset about Goldberg Reigns not happening (was the storyline "lol your headbutt is dumb tho") and him vs Braun is a lot more unpredictable. But if this leads to a Braun vs Sheamus title feud that won't be cool.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Fri Apr 24, 2020 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Triple H suggests Wrestlemania could be two nights every year moving forward. Some fans said it shouldn't and just go back to 3-4 hours, but I highly doubt those are the two options. If there's a second option, it's the 6-7 hour Wrestlemania vs. two-night Mania. If that's the debate, I go with two nights. It was so much easier to digest three hours each night.

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