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My Predictions for May 6-8 2010
Rank Name Prediction PTA % Change
1  Thor 65.3M  16,521  NEW 
2  Fast Five 39.7M   10,830 -54% 
3  Something Borrowed  12.3M 4247  NEW 
4  Rio  7.4M 2262  -50% 
5  Jumping The Broom  6.7M  3274 NEW 
6  Water For Elephants  5.5M 2094  -41% 
7  Tyler Perry's Madea's Big Happy Family 4.5M   2398 -54% 
8  Hoodwinked Too! Hood Vs. Evil  2.6M  1026 -37% 
9  Prom 2.4M  888  -49% 
10  Soul Surfer  2.1M 1167  -38% 

Prediction above for span between 5/6/2011 and 5/82011


Here we go Mother's Day Weekend. Thor is looking open at first with a solid 65.3M this mother's day weekend. 2nd will be Fast Five with good WOM , it should drop a little less than the previous Fast and Furious movie in it's second week, I look at about a 54% drop for a 39.7M weekend. 3rd, I have Somthing Borrowed opening at 12.3M. 4th, is Rio at 7.4M with a bigger drop than past weeks. 5th is the other opener Jumping The Broom for 6.7M. 6th is Water For Elephants with fair legs at 5.5M for the weekend. 7th is Madea's Big Happy Family with another big drop to 4.5M. 8th is Hoodwinked 2 for 2.6M. 9th is Prom for 2.4M. 10th will be Soul Surfer for 2.1M for the weekend.

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