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I am Number 4
A teenager who wishes to narrate parts of his life, possibly to cut down on time and production budget; a bad ass character walking away without flinching from an exploding building; a ‘special’ boy who has never experienced a real life, but wishes to; a female love interest who doesn’t understand the great family life going for her till said boy tells her how good she has it; boy falling in love with girl after 3 days and will apparently do anything for her; a guardian of the boy who constantly reminds him he can’t have anything in life and it’s for his own good; until of course the guardian is at his death bed (Oops! Spoiler … no not really) and tells our hero boy how great he really is; to which the boy replies he can’t do it without his beloved guardian; to which the guardian replies ‘yes, yes he can’ and the boy accepts this, for what he really needed was for someone to curb his insecurities and validate his awesomeness. This dear readers is only half of the clichés this movie is filled with. I was going to continue listing more but I think the editor of this site may run into problems with the length of the paragraph.
To say this movie is riddled with dialogues, scenes and montages seen and heard countless times before would be an understatement. From the annoying college rock music trying to compensate for a lack of a real score, to the good looking cast constantly trying to accentuate how freaking awesome they look to compensate for the lack of any substance in the script, this is one of those movies where it is quite easy to tell that the film makers were working with a very limited budget. Not that a bigger budget would have helped unless a good portion of it was spent on hiring better writers. I would not be surprised to find out tomorrow that scenes and dialogues from various films were cut out, thrown in a hat and then randomly picked out and thrown together to give some impression of an original script. Judging by the snickers and the laughter of the entire theatre audience throughout the duration of the movie, I have a feeling that everyone caught on to the charade.
It’s a bit of a piss off though. The premise itself isn’t really all that bad and while initially, I was skeptical about the action sequences (film them in dark lighting to make it hard to see the lack of good CGI work anyone?) I was quite blown away by the last 15 minutes of the film when shit hit the fan. Seemed like it was one of the few moments during the production where the director probably felt there was no need to be a slave to the script.
I absolutely hate when writers try to make a pun about the subject matter they are writing about but in this case, it is quite hard to pass up. I am Number 4 felt a lot like my Number 2. It stinks, is embarrassing when viewed by others and deserves to be flushed down the toilet.
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Total Comments: 3
Jaffy    Feb 18 2011 1:56pm
Like my number 2, classy
Crux    Feb 18 2011 2:33pm
CGI in the dark is a pet peeve of mine.
Patrick Ferrara
Patrick Ferrara    Feb 18 2011 11:06pm
Well, this nixes my interest to check this out in the theatres, so thanks for the heads up bABA. Even from the beginning I suspected this movie was only good for one thing: making a half decent, two-minute trailer.